Flyover Block - 634 Mcdougall rd NE
COMMUNITY: Bridgeland-Riverside
DEVELOPMENT VISION: Flyover Block is proposed as a six storey building that combines market-affordable apartment living with Main Street-oriented retail and a local brewery/roastery experience - aimed at activating both Edmonton Trail and the newly emerging Flyover Park. The development vision proposes ±65 micro dwelling units and ±3,444 sq. ft. of commercial space for local businesses. For more information on the Land Use and concurrent Development Permit application, take a look at the Application Vision Brief below.
CURRENT LAND USE: MC-2 Multi-Residential Contextual Medium Profile District
MC-2 is a multi-residential land use district (aka zone) that is primarily intended for apartment-style buildings up to 16m in height (typically four to five storeys).
PROPOSED LAND USE: M-U2 Mixed-Use – Active Frontage District
A Land Use change and concurrent Development Permit (DP) application has been submitted to redesignate this site to the Mixed-Use – Active Frontage District. Mixed-use districts allow for a range of uses within street-oriented buildings – including multi-residential, brewery, restaurant and retail uses. The proposed land use district will include modifiers that limit the maximum building height to 22m (six storeys) and maximum total floor area to 4.2 FAR (roughly four times the area of the site).
PARKING: A total of 6 timed commercial and visitor parkings stalls are proposed for Flyover Block, with zero residential stalls proposed. Future residents will not be eligible for parking permits, and will not be allowed to park within permit-only parking zones or time restricted parking zones beyond the allocated time. For more information on the proposed parking, take a look at the Parking Study below.
CITY POLICY ALIGNMENT: The proposed development is supported by the city-wide policy goals of Calgary's Municipal Development Plan and the local policies within the current Bridgeland Riverside Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP). The ARP identifies this site as the “Community-Mid Rise” policy area, which supports mixed-use mid rise buildings with active frontages.
The Flyover Block and Flyover Park site plans are conceptual in nature and for discussion purposes only.
FLYOVER PARK: The Bridgeland-Riverside Community Association has worked diligently in partnership with the City of Calgary and Parks Foundation Calgary to design, fund and develop Flyover Park as a true community amenity. RNDSQR is excited about the opportunity to be involved in the evolution of the Flyover Park, and is coordinating with Parks Foundation Calgary’s design team so that the proposed Flyover Block development will thoughtfully complement and enhance the new park space.
For further information visit:
November 2020
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