General Block 65, 69 - 7A ST NE
COMMUNITY: Bridgeland / Riverside
CURRENT LAND USE: M-C1d110: Multi-Residential - Contextual Low Profile
The M-C1 District is a multi-residential designation that is primarily intended to accommodate 3 to 4 storey apartment buildings and townhouses.
PROPOSED LAND USE: MU-1h11: Mixed Use – General
The MU-1 District allows for a variety of uses, including commercial and retail uses within street-oriented buildings. The site’s current Land Use District – Multi-Residential - Contextual Low Profile (M-C1d110) – does not support the proposed neighbourhood focused commercial development vision for the General Block. As a result, the project team will be seeking a Land Use Redesignation to transition the subject lands to a Mixed Use - General District, with a maximum height modifier of 11m (MU-1h11).
DEVELOPMENT VISION: The proposed redevelopment vision will introduce a new, sensitively-scaled neighbourhood commercial destination to the Bridgeland / Riverside neighbourhood. RNDSQR’s General Block will be an architecturally iconic, two-storey commercial building designed to prioritize the street-level experience and provide community-focused retail along 7A Street NE. To take advantage of the site’s strategic location, we want to realize a new dynamic and architecturally unique neighbourhood destination, with high quality local shops, comfortable people spaces and active connections to Murdoch Park.
LOCAL AREA PLAN AMENDMENT: The project site is located within the Non-Family Oriented Development policy area of the Bridgeland / Riverside Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP). In order to facilitate the proposed land use change and development vision, a supporting minor Local Area Plan Amendment to the ARP will also be required. The minor amendment will transition the subject lands from the existing Non-Family Oriented Development policy area to the Developed Areas Guidebook-aligned Neighbourhood Limited policy area. This change is consistent with surrounding area built form, land use and policy context.
June 2019